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It’s late July, 1982.  As Michigan summer days go, this one is just about perfect.


Two boys in still-damp swimsuits sit at a cramped table near the open dining room window in an old, cedar paneled cottage on a lake in Northern Michigan.  The warm lake breeze coming through the window threatens the carefully arranged pieces of sandpaper covering the table.  One boy clamps his hand down on them, averting disaster.  After all, this sandpaper will be used to polish the Petoskey stones they found that morning – thus creating the masterpieces of childhood they’ll cherish for years to come.  

northern michigan beach - bellaire torch lake

For 30 minutes or so, it’s the same:  Sand, rub, polish, repeat.  But with the summer sun overhead, and the water so audibly lapping at the beach, the call of the lake is simply too much.  Dropping the rocks and leaving the sandpaper to the will of the breeze, they depart once again.  They trot down the sand path through the trees.  Where the woods break - just past the firepit in the sand - the lake comes into view.  The trots break into a full run….

beach in petoskey
canoe up north michigan
smores campfire up north was started by brothers Jim and Joe Meloche.  And, yep, that was us at that table, almost 40 years ago.

A lot has changed since then.  We still like Petoskey stones.  We still hang out at the same table sometimes (now with our families).  And we still LOVE Northern Michigan.   Thanks to our parents starting early, we’ve been building memories of “up north” for many years.  The rivers and lakes, the skiing, the trails, the golf.  Creaking porch swings and breezes singing through the white pines.  Oh, and Petoskey stones.  This is the up north we love, and these are the memories we hope you’ll come up and make for yourselves and your families.   

Jim Meloche


There's everywhere else on earth, and there's Up North.  Jim has been vacationing here for years, and has owned vacation rentals in the area for 8 years. He enjoys mountain biking, snowboarding, rehabbing ugly properties into gorgeous vacation rentals and sitting on screen porches staring aimlessly at the pines (on occasion, with a bourbon in hand). Whenever "the man" doesn't require him downstate, he escapes up I-75, to share the great north woods with wife Heather, their four children, and three grandchildren.   




Joe Meloche


Nothing feels better than your workplace getting smaller and smaller in your rearview mirror. Almost nothing, that is...  It sure does feel good to see the rolling hills and crystal-clear lakes of Northern Michigan getting bigger. Joe is relatively new to vacation rentals, spending most of his previous career fixing industrial machinery and collecting speeding tickets from across these United States. Any time he can slip the cuffs off, he's on his way to a beautiful and relaxing destination somewhere well north of Midland with his wife Heather (Joe had his Heather first and Jim copied), and his two strapping young lads. Sometimes they even bring Heather's tiny little yipping dog along so that Joe can watch the eagles chase it.





jim at
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